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A design management approach towards a more conscious fashion buying behavior

Today’s fashion industry needs a drastic change. Characterized by predominant materials, an inflexible supply chain and steady increasing consumerism, it is facing negative consequences which will likely continue to mark the industry. 


The research revealed that the prevalent knowledge gap regarding materials used for clothing and related barriers such as the lack of information and interaction with the manufacturing process leads to consumer’s missing awareness. These are, among others, the core causes currently preventing Swiss fast fashion consumers from a more conscious buying behavior.


The solution approach aims to overcome these challenges by supporting the knowledge development. This can be achieved by reducing the barrier of information with easily accessible and comprehensive contents and the creation of an educational moment with the help of an IT-piece from Moulure, which serves as the central communication medium. Moreover, by motivating consumers with a clear trigger, getting badges through sustainable purchases, the need to buy differently and the emergence of the desired, more conscious buying behavior, can be accomplished. 


Quelle: Angepasste Logos Calida, Freitag, Erfolg, Qwstion, Jungle Folk 

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